If you need to stop the server to remove the broken drive, then no clean up is required. All the components should be auto unmounted as part of the shutting down process. If if you don't need to stop the server, rebooting is the easiest way to clean up the chroot. However, if you don't stop the server you're using, or for some other reason would like to undo the chroot config, then after you have exited the chroot, you just need to backtrack on the above commands. I.e. use umount instead of mount, and unmount them in the reverse order they were mounted. I.e.:
Instructions: Left-click the disk icon to mount a device. Right-click the disk icon to change the system mount policy. Middle-click will close the mounter application. Relaunch from the menu. The mounted devices will not be affected by mount policy changes. Only subsequent mounting operations will be affected. by John Lehr Live Preview Caja Scripts CAINE includes scripts activated within the Caja web browser designed to make examination of allocated files simple. Currently, the scripts can render many databases, internet histories, Windows registries, deleted files, and extract EXIF data to text files for easy examination. The Quick View tool automates this process by determining the file type and rendering it with the appropriate tool. The live preview Caja scripts also provide easy access to administrative functions, such as making an attached device writeable, dropping to the shell, or opening a Caja window with administrator privileges. The "Save as Evidence" script will write the selected file(s) to an "Evidence" folder on the desktop and create a text report about the file containing file metadata and an investigator comment, if desired. A unique script, "Identify iPod Owner", is included in the toolset. This script will detect an attached and mounted iPod Device, display metadata about the device (current username, device serial number, etc.). The investigator has the option to search allocated media files and unallocated space for iTunes user information present in media purchased through the Apple iTunes store, i.e., Real Name and email address. The live preview scripts are a work in progress. Many more scripts are possible as are improvements to the existing scripts. The CAINE developers welcome feature requests, bug reports, and criticisms. The preview scripts were born from a desire to make evidence extraction simple for any investigator with basic computer skills. They allow the investigator to get basic evidence to support the investigation without the need of advanced computer forensics training or waiting upon a computer forensics lab. Computer forensics labs can use the scripts for device triage and the remainder of the CAINE toolset for a full forensic examination! John Lehr ------------------------------------------ Root file system spoofing PATCH The patch changes the way how Casper searches for the boot media. By default, Casper will look at hard disk drives, CD/DVD-drives and some other devices while booting the system (during the stage when system tries to find the boot media with correct root file system image on it - because common bootloaders do not pass any data about media used for booting to an operating system in Live CD configurations). Our patch is implemented for CD/DVD versions of CAINE and enables CD/DVD-only checks in Casper. This solves the bug when Casper would select and boot fake root file system images on evidentiary media (hard disk drives, etc). --- Suhanov Maxim Windows Side
Backtrack 5.iso Serial Key
In the PC information section, you can see important information about your Surface, such as the universally unique identifier (UUID), serial number, and firmware version. You can use this information for troubleshooting or for working with warranty support.
0x40000: [5.10+] An option of the following format should be generated, appending a filesystem UUID string to the kernel command line; for EXT2/3/4, the resulting string will be the typical filesystem UUID; for FAT12/16/32, the resulting string will be the 32-bit filesystem serial number (e.g. DA1A-0B2E):
If flag_val is 1, do not halt the processor while idle. Halting the processor while idle, significantly reduces the power consumption, but can cause poor responsiveness to the serial console, especially when using scripts to drive the serial console, as opposed to human interaction.
Indicate how long to wait until booting automatically, in units of 1/10 s. This timeout is not cancelled by user input, and can thus be used to deal with serial port glitches or "the user walked away" type of situations. A timeout of zero (the default) will disable the timeout completely.
When using the serial console, press [Ctrl-F][digit] to get to the help screens, e.g. [Ctrl-F][2] to get to the F2 screen. For F10-F12, hit [Ctrl-F][A], [Ctrl-F][B], [Ctrl-F][C]. For compatibility with earlier versions, F10 can also be entered as [Ctrl-F][0].
Information about an SD card is encoded in its internal card registries. One of these is the Card Identification (CID) Register, a 16 byte code that contains information that uniquely identifies the SD card, including the card serial number (PSN), manufacturer ID number (MID) and manufacture date (MDT). The CID register is set when the card is manufactured and cannot be changed after it is set. (According to SD card specification the information is only to be written once, however if a card does not conform to the specification this information could be changed!)
Now you will see the Desktop of Backtrack Live CD. If you want to use only Live CD features you can do so right now. But if you want to use Backtrack to full then we need to install Full backtrack. For that Click on Install Backtrack Icon on Desktop as shown below:
The Mayans employed three calendars, all organised as hierarchiesof cycles of days of various lengths. The Long Count wasthe principal calendar for historical purposes, the Haabwas used as the civil calendar, while the Tzolkinwas the religious calendar. All of the Mayan calendarsare based on serial counting of days without means for synchronisingthe calendar to the Sun or Moon, although the Long Count and Haabcalendars contain cycles of 360 and 365 days, respectively, whichare roughly comparable to the solar year. Based purely on countingdays, the Long Count more closely resembles theJulian Day system and contemporary computer representations ofdate and time than other calendars devised in antiquity.Also distinctly modern in appearance is that days andcycles count from zero, not one as in most other calendars,which simplifies the computation of dates, and that numbersas opposed to names were used for all of the cycles.
PC Excel day numbers are valid only between 1 (January 1, 1900) and2958465 (December 31, 9999). Although a serial day counting schemehas no difficulty coping with arbitrary date ranges or days beforethe start of the epoch (given sufficient precision in the representationof numbers), Excel doesn't do so. Day 0 is deemed the idioticJanuary 0, 1900 (at least in Excel 97), and negative days andthose in Y10K and beyond are not handled at all. Further, oldversions of Excel did date arithmetic using 16 bit quantitiesand did not support day numbers greater than 65380 (December31, 2078); I do not know in which release of Excel this limitation was remedied.
Macintosh Excel day numbers are valid only between 0(January 1, 1904) and 2957003 (December 31, 9999). Althougha serial day counting scheme has no difficulty coping witharbitrary date ranges or days before the start of the epoch(given sufficient precision in the representation ofnumbers), Excel doesn't do so. Negative days and those inY10K and beyond are not handled at all. Further, oldversions of Excel did date arithmetic using 16 bitquantities and did not support day numbers greater than63918 (December 31, 2078); I do not know in which release ofExcel this limitation was remedied.
If you are booting with a serial console, generally the kernel willautodetect this.If you have a videocard (framebuffer) and a keyboard also attached tothe computer which you wish to boot via serial console, you may haveto pass theconsole=deviceargument to the kernel, where device isyour serial device, which is usually something likettyS0.
In order to ensure the terminal type used by the installer matches yourterminal emulator, the parameterTERM=type can be added.Note that the installer only supports the following terminal types:linux, bterm, ansi,vt102 and dumb. The default forserial console in debian-installer is vt102. If you are using avirtualization tool which does not provide conversion into such terminals typesitself, e.g. QEMU/KVM, you can start it inside a screensession. That will indeed perform translation into the screenterminal type, which is very close to vt102.
The default frontend is DEBIAN_FRONTEND=newt.DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text may be preferable forserial console installs. Some specialized types of install media mayonly offer a limited selection of frontends, but thenewt and text frontendsare available on most default install media.On architectures that support it, the graphical installer usesthe gtk frontend. 2ff7e9595c