An understanding of thermal physics is crucial to much of modern physics, chemistry and engineering. This book provides a modern introduction to the main principles that are foundational to thermal physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The key concepts are carefully presented in a clear way, and new ideas are illustrated with copious worked examples as well as a description of the historical background to their discovery. Applications are presented to subjects as diverse as stellar astrophysics, information and communication theory, condensed matter physics and climate change. Each chapter concludes with detailed exercises.The second edition of this popular textbook maintains the structure and lively style of the first edition but extends its coverage of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics to include several new topics, including osmosis, diffusion problems, Bayes theorem, radiative transfer, the Ising model and Monte Carlo methods. New examples and exercises have been added throughout.To request a copy of the Solutions Manual, visit:
Courseobjectives: Toobtain a thorough understanding of thermal physics with detailedmathematical treatment. The link between microscopic and macroscopicproperties will be explored. Applications tomoderntechnology will be emphasized along with a historical perspective.
Concepts In Thermal Physics Blundell Solutions
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Detectors in Quantum Theory > s.a. experimental particle physics; particle effects. * Idea: A model for a detector is often a point particle with internal energy levels, which can get excited due to its interaction with a quantum field. @ General references: Bloch PR(67); Bloch & Burba PRD(74) [and presence of particle]; Hinton JPA(83), CQG(84); Marshall FP(91) [efficiency and fluctuations of electromagnetic field]; Marolf PRA(94)gq/93; Bondurant PRA(04) [pointlike model]; Buscemi & Compagno PRA(09)-a0904 [in quantum field theory, and non-local correlations]; D'Auria et al PRL(11) [quantum decoherence of single-photon counters]; Brown et al PRD(13)-a1212 [beyond perturbation theory]; Bruschi et al JPA(13)-a1212; Martín-Martínez & Louko PRD(14) [and the zero mode of a quantum field]; Martín-Martínez PRD(15)-a1509 [causality constraints]; Sriramkumar a1612-fs [review of concept and response to quantum field]; Luis & Ares a1707 [and non-classicality]; de Ramón et al a2102 [and causality]; Tjoa et al a2102. @ Unruh-DeWitt detectors: Hümmer et al PRD(16)-a1506 [for fermionic and bosonic fields, renormalized]; Cong et al a2009 [inside rotating shells]; Burbano et al JHEP(21)-a2012 [path integral formalism]. @ Other models, examples: Wick a1901 [model for real position measurements]; Yang & Jacob JAP(19)-a1905 [using first-order quantum phase transitions]; Nehra & Jacob a1909 [Wigner functions]; Teufel & Tumulka a1912 [detectors as absorbing boundary conditions]; Ballesteros et al CMP(21)-a2007 [appearance of particle tracks]; Adjei et al PRA(20)-a2001 [simulation with non-linear optics]; Iyer et al a2104 [unified formalism for spacelike and timelike events, correlations]. @ Time of detection: Brunetti & Fredenhagen PRA(02)qp/01; Tumulka a1601, a1601, a1601 [time distribution of clicks]. @ Accelerated: Klyshko PLA(91); Sriramkumar & Padmanabhan CQG(96) [finite-time]; Davies et al PRD(96)gq [rotating]; Kim PRD(99) [accelerated oscillator]; Sriramkumar gq/01 [accelerated (D+1)-dimensional]; Sonego & Westman CQG(04)gq/03 [and geodesic motion]; Lin & Hu PRD(06) [vacuum fluctuations to radiation]; Louko & Satz JPCS(07)gq/06 [with regularisation]; Costa & Piazza NJP(09)-a0805 [and Unruh effect]; Kothawala & Padmanabhan PLB(10)-a0911 [time-dependent acceleration]; Thoma a1305 [quantum-field-theoretical model, for Unruh effect]; Anastopolos & Savvidou GRG(14)-a1403 [detection rates along non-inertial trajectories]; Doria & Muñoz a1503 [non-uniformly accelerating observers do not see a thermal state]; Costa a2008 [finite time interval, decoherence]; > s.a. mirrors. @ In non-trivial spacetimes: Langlois AP(06) [topologically non-trivial]; Hodgkinson PhD(13)-a1309 [curved-spacetime quantum field theory]; Ng et al PRD(16)-a1606, a1706 [and the non-local structure of spacetime]; Martín-Martínez et al PRD(20)-a2001 [fully covariant smeared particle detectors in curved spacetimes]. > Related topics: see bell inequalities [detection loophole]; measurement in quantum theory; unruh effect.
Dicke Model * Idea: A collection of two- and three-level atoms interacting with (a single quantized mode of) the electromagnetic field and contained within a volume much smaller than the smallest resonance wavelength; It has a phase transition with the atom-field coupling as control parameter. @ General references: Buzek et al PRL(05)qp [ground-state instabilities]; Dimer et al PRA(07)qp/06 [realization in cavity QED]; Garraway PTRS(11); Bastarrachea-Magnani & Hirsch RMF-a1108 [numerical solutions]; Bhaseen et al PRA(12)-a1110 [dynamics of non-equilibrium Dicke models]; Hirsch et al AIP(12)-a1110 [mean-field description]; Braak JPB(13)-a1304 [N = 3, solution]; Kirton et al a1805-AQT [intro]. @ Critical behavior: Castaños et al PRA(12)-a1206; Bastidas et al PRL(12) [non-equilibrium quantum phase transitions]; Dey et al PRE(12)-a1208 [information geometry, quantum phase transitions]; Nahmad-Achar et al PS(13) [catastrophe formalism and group theory]; Bastarrachea-Magnani et al PRA(14) [density of states and excited-state quantum phase transitions], PRA(14) [chaos and regularity, quantum and semiclassical]; del Real et al PS(13)-a1409 [Husimi distribution and Wehrl entropy]; Bhattacherjee PLA(14) [non-equilibrium dynamical phases]; Bastarrachea-Magnani et al PRE(16)-a1509 [regular and chaotic regions in phase space]. @ Generalized: Aparicio et al a0706 [generalized fermion, phase transition]; Grinberg AP(11) [non-classical effects]. > Properties, related concepts: see Fisher Information. > Related models: see Tavis-Cummings Model.
Discretization @ General references: Tonti JCP(14) [purely algebraic formulation of physical laws, without discretization]. @ Techniques: Seslija et al JGP(12)-a1111 [discrete exterior geometry, Dirac structures and finite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems]; Palha et al JCP(14) [basic concepts]; Höhn JMP(14)-a1401 [systems with temporally varying discretization, quantization]; Levi & Rodriguez a1407 [discrete variables and invariant schemes when the discrete Schwarz theorem is satisfied]; > s.a. Finite-Element Method. > Mathematical: see Continuum; Derivatives; differential equations; discrete spacetimes; distributions [Dirac delta]; laplace equation; riemannian geometry. > Gravity-related systems: see approaches to quantum gravity; Barrett-Crane Model [discretized BF theory]; BF theory; bianchi models; brane world [Randall-Sundrum models]; canonical quantum gravity models; constraints in general relativity; formulations of general relativity; FLRW spacetimes; gowdy spacetimes; lattice gravity; loop quantum gravity; perturbations in general relativity; riemannian geometry. > Quantum systems: see canonical quantum theory; formulations of quantum theory; modified quantum mechanics; path-integral quantum mechanics; path-integral quantum field theory; QED; quantum chaos; types of quantum field theories. > Other physical systems: see computational physics; constrained systems; Continuous Media; field theory; fluids; graph theory in physics; modified electromagnetism; heat equation; klein-gordon fields; Kolmogorov System; lattice field theories; regge calculus; types of field theories; types of yang-mills theories; wave equations.
Disformal Interactions / Transformations > s.a. Horndeski Action; Mimetic Gravity; Vainshtein Mechanism. @ General references: Brax & Burrage PRD(15)-a1407 [disformal scalars, and atomic and particle physics]; Bittencourt et al CQG(15)-a1505 [and the Dirac equation]; Fumagalli et al a1610 [as a change of units]. @ Disformal gravity: Ip et al JCAP(15)-a1507 [solar system constraints]; Sakstein & Verner PRD(15)-a1509 [Jordan-frame analysis]. @ And cosmology: Minamitsuji PLB(14) [cosmological perturbations in scalar-tensor theory]; Sakstein JCAP(14)-a1409; Sakstein PRD(15)-a1409 [cosmological solutions]; Motohashi & White JCAP(16)-a1504 [invariance of curvature perturbations]; Domènech et al JCAP(15)-a1505; Alinea & Kubota a2005 [primordial perturbations]. @ Other spacetimes: Anson et al a2006 [disformal versions of Kerr metric + scalar field].
Disordered Systems > s.a. Order; quantum systems; Random Medium; solid matter [amorphous solids, glass]. * In a solid: Disorder has a strong influence on the solid's elastic properties; In terms of electronic properties, disorder in a crystal tends to localize electrons and drive a transition from a metallic to an insulating state (Anderson localization transition). * Remark: In quantum statistics, disorder is described in terms of entropy and algorithmic complexity, which is not antithetical to the notion of order. @ General references: Binder & Kob 05, Bovier 06 [statistical mechanics, r JSP(08)]; Sewell a0711-en [in quantum statistical mechanics, survey]; Brody et al JPCS(09)-a0901 [in thermal equilibrium]; Giacomin et al a0906 [and critical behavior]; Wreszinski JMP(12)-a1208-ln [quantum, rev]. @ Strong disorder: Iglói & Monthus PRP(05) [RG approach]; Monthus & Garel JPA(08) [equilibrium properties and phases]; Vojta et al PRB(09) + Refael Phy(09)jan [RG approach, universal behavior]; Goldsborough & Evenbly PRB(17)-a1708 [entanglement renormalization]. @ In condensed matter: Foster et al PRB(09) + Vojta Phy(09) [typical electron wave function]; Pollet et al PRL(09) + Weichman Phy(09) [patches of order in disordered boson systems and superfluid-insulator transition]; Blundell & Terentjev PRS(11) [influence on deformations in semiflexible networks]; Briet & Savoie RVMP(12) [magnetic response]; Chern et al NJP(14) [disorder-induced criticality in artificial spin ices]; Ashhab PRA(15)-a1510 [effect on the transfer of quantum states]; Kurečić & Osborne a1809 [interacting quantum systems, stochastic integral representation]; Skinner et al PRL(21) + news Phys(21) [detecting hidden order]. > Related concepts / tools: see Anderson Localization [random media]; Replica Symmetry; QCD phenomenology; wave phenomena [propagation]. > Related phenomena: see bose-einstein condensates; casimir effect; localization. 2ff7e9595c